List can be "indexed" and "sliced".
Syntax :
list1 = [ elem1, elem2, elem3, ... , elem(n - 1)]
Indexing: `[ elem1, elem2, elem3, ... ]
0 1 2
list1[ <starting_index> : <stopping_index> ]
^ ^
inclusive exclusive
i.e. include all elements from the start of the list while excluding the last element by stopping before the last element.
Assignment to slicing is also possible,
sign before the index of a desired element from a list.Syntax :
list2 = [ elem1, elem2, elem3, ... , elem(n - 1)]
Neagative Indexing :
[ elem1, elem2, elem3, elem 4, elem5, elem6 ]
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
RQ1: _Which pair of symbols do you need to do list subsetting in Python?
Ans: Brackets: []
RQ2: What Python comand should you use to extract the element with index 1
from Python lsit x
Ans: x[1]
RQ3: You have a list y
, containing 5 elements:
y = ["this", "is", "a", True, "test"]
Which two Python commands correctly extract the boolean value from the list?
Ans: y[3]
and y[-2]
RQ4: You want to slice a list x
. The general syntax is:
x[ begin : end ]
You need to replace begin
and end
with the indexes accroding to the slice you want to make.
Which of the following statements is correct?
Ans: The begin
index is "included" in the slice, and the end
index is "excluded/not".
1) Subset and conquer -- 100xp, status:
2) Subset and calculate -- 100xp, status:
3) Slicing and dicing -- 100xp, status:
4) Slicing and dicing (2) -- 100xp, status:
5) Subsetting lists of lists -- 50xp, status:
1. Subset and conquer
In [5]:
+ Print out the second element from the areas list, so 11.25.
+ Subset and print out the last element of areas, being 9.50.
- Using a negative index makes sense here!
+ Select the number representing the area of the living room
and print it out.
# Create the areas list
areas = ["hallway", 11.25, "kitchen", 18.0, "living room", 20.0,
"bedroom", 10.75, "bathroom", 9.50]
# Print out second element from areas
print( areas[ 1 ] )
# Print out last element from areas
print( areas[ -1 ] )
# Print out the area of the living room
print( areas[ 5 ] )
2. Subset and calculate
In [6]:
+ Using a combination of list subsetting and variable assignment,
create a new variable, eat_sleep_area, that contains the sum of the area
of the kitchen and the area of the bedroom.
+ Print this new variable "eat_sleep_area".
# Create the areas list
areas = ["hallway", 11.25, "kitchen", 18.0, "living room", 20.0, "bedroom", 10.75,
"bathroom", 9.50]
# Sum of kitchen and bedroom area: eat_sleep_area
eat_sleep_area = areas[3] + areas[7]
# Print the variable eat_sleep_area
print( eat_sleep_area )
3. Slicing and dicing
In [11]:
+ Use slicing to create a list, "downstairs", that contains the first
6 elements of "areas".
+ Do a similar thing to create a new variable, "upstairs", that contains
the last 4 elements of areas.
+ Print both "downstairs" and "upstairs" using print().
# Create the areas list
areas = ["hallway", 11.25, "kitchen", 18.0, "living room", 20.0, "bedroom",
10.75, "bathroom", 9.50]
# Use slicing to create downstairs
downstairs = areas[0:7]
# Use slicing to create upstairs
upstairs = areas[6:]
# Print out downstairs and upstairs
print( downstairs )
print( upstairs )
4. Slicing and dicing (2)
It is also possible to slice without explicitly defining the starting index.
list1[ < undefined > : < end > ]
Similarly, also possible to slice without explicitly defining the ending index.
list2[ begin : < undefined > ]
It's possible to print the entire list without defining the "begin" and "end" index of a list.
list3[ < undefined > : < undefined > ]
In [15]:
+ Use slicing to create the lists, "downstairs" and "upstairs" again.
- Without using any indexes, unless nessecery.
# Create the areas list
areas = ["hallway", 11.25, "kitchen", 18.0, "living room", 20.0, "bedroom", 10.75, "bathroom", 9.50]
# Alternative slicing to create downstairs
downstairs = areas[ : 6]
# Alternative slicing to create upstairs
upstairs = areas[ 6 : ]
**5. Subsetting lists of lists
- Syntax: list[ [ sub-list1 ], [sub-list2], ... , [sub-list(n-1)] ]
0 1 n-1
- Syntax: list[ < sub-list-index > ] [ < begin > : < end > ]
In [ ]:
Problem definition: What will house[-1][1] return?
# Ans : float, 9.5 as the bathroom area.